Friday, October 26, 2007

Trick or Treat?

Let's get this straight -- I'm not anti-sugar. Everything in moderation. But if you've seen my (or your own) kids wigs out from too much chocolate, then you're probably also looking for a treat alternative this weekend.

Here's a few things to offer the smaller ghouls at your door.
- Playdoh. They make smaller tins. You can buy the Halloween-branded bag or just smaller containers.
- Dollar Store trinkets. They may only have the life-span of a McDonald's Happy Meal toy, but the Dollar Stores have everything from plastic skeletons on parachutes, sticky rubber eye balls, pumpkin-shaped bubble blowers, pencils and toothbrushes.
- Even though Unicef ended its Halloween oragne box program last year, you can still give gift certificates to close kids to McDonald's or Tim Horton's.
- Or you could do what Vimmy did and send us a box of 12 gourmet cupcakes from CupcakeLaine. What was I saying about sugar highs!

I remember at Halloween when people gave you apples. Then everyone got freaked out about people sliding razor blades in them so everyone switched to candy. I'm not suggesting that we get rid of those little packages of Rockets (PL would never forgive me), I'm just saying a little variety is good.

Friday, October 05, 2007

What are you thankful for?

On the whiteboard at the kid's daycare, Madame K has listed all the cihldren's names and what they are thankful for.

Some children said "Mama" others said "Papa". One child even said "le colouer bleu".

What did my two kiddos reply?

Benjamin - "Le dejuneur" (breakfast)

Frances - "le gauteau" (cake!)

Happy Thanksgiving!