Friday, January 30, 2009

Sugar rush?

The other night the youngsters were wild - running, dancing, singing. When I wasn't joining in, I was exhausted just looking at them! I couldn't figure out where she was getting the energy.

At one point, I turned to FG and said, "What are you running on?"

Her reply: "The carpet!"

Miley and OMAoG

'Santa' gave Ben Miley Cyrus's new CD Breakout for Christmas. After listening to it, non-stop on the morning trips to school - I have a confession. I'm finding the songs...ummmm...catchy.

The worst (best?) is Wake up America -- its a boppy, poppy 'save the planet' song complete with a nice dig to parents in the bridge:
"I know you don't want to hear it;
espcially coming from someone so young
But in the backseat, yeah
They want to hear it
So come on, turn it up...."

So, if you haven't already do your Act O' Green.