Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Monday evening, a wasp stung Ben & FG.

FG's pinkie swelled up. But Ben had the worst reaction -- his whole hand was about double the size.

We called the Healthline and Nana and luckily we both remember a few home remedies. First I removed all their clothing to ensure there was no wasp inside and to look for any sign the rash was spreading. We put their hands in cold water and then in ice. I also gave them Benadryl and Advil. That seemed to get it under control.

Luckily we were at home. It could have been a lot worse. I'll be sure to add a few additional things to my car first aid kit.

Counting Sheep

You've heard it before "Mama, I can't sleep!"

Tonight I told Ben that maybe it would help to close his eyes and imagine counting something like stars in the sky or fluffy white sheep jumping over a fence.

He agreed and squinted his eyes shut.

"1,2,3,4,5...." he started out before his eyes popped open again. "What to know what I'm counting?"

"Sure" Hoping whatever it was would lull him to sleep.

"Rescue Heroes and secret agents punching in a secret code into a key pad. and after that I'm going to count me playing basketball and getting all the points to win the game. Then after that...'

Not exactly what I had in mind but it worked.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Barber Festival

I took Ben & FG to the Races (note: Regatta should be dubbed "the longest running Garden Party" in North America). And all he could talk about was cotton candy. So, I caved. Like Mama, FG wouldn't go anywhere near the stuff but Ben gobbled down a full bag.

Mama: How was your first cotton candy?

Ben: This is my second time! I had it last year at the Barber Festival.

I started the bilingual wheels turning. Ben gets his hair cut at Central Barber in the Mall and calls the entire place the "Barber's". And cotton candy is also called barbapapa - yup, like those bulbous cartoon bonnehommes. But I was stumped.

Ben: You know Mama. The Barber Festival at the Barber's with the rides and everything.

Then it dawned on me. Thomas Amusements.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Insider's Guide to St. John's - Part Deux

It's summer in Sin Jawn's. What to do? Everything! Here's a list of my favourite spots!

Sweet Relic (42 Powers Court). Literally steps from the Fairmont Hotel, this place has great coffee and even better baked goods. Sweet! Grab a few treats and then hike up Signal Hill.

North Head Hike you can either take the road to the top and the 750 stairs down or do it in reverse. Either way its amazing! Check out this You Tube video

Coffee Matters With two locations on Military Rd and Water St., this place has great lunch (Thai curry and crab soup!) and brunch (try the croissant omelet sandwich). And yes, the coffee!

Atlantica One of the best dining experiences. Period (NYC, San Fran, Montreal included). Enroute's Best New Restaurant 2007.

Travel Bug If you left home without it, you'll find it here. Tell Peg & Gerry, I sent you!

WAM Want to know about our "galoot of a culture" or what the word galoot means, listen to CBC 640 AM on Saturday & Sunday morning, 6-9:30. Angela Antle will let you know what's showing where and who's playing what. Also check out The Scope.