Saturday, February 17, 2007

My Two Skunks

Some days they really just get along. Today, he didn't mind when she touched Billy Blazes and she didn't scream when Ben sat next to me ("Mama, I neeeed you!"). They had a great time at the Shark Exhibit at the Science Centre and after supper, we danced to Brick House and Hampster Dance (sic). Makes snowy,gray February Saturdays go a little easier.


beth said...

Deb: Your vivid accounts are bringing it all back, through the hazy mists, the long ago time of life with two small children. Those early years are like childbirth - once it's over you cannot believe that you actually went through it. My daughter Anna, who's now 25, is working as a nanny and was over on the weekend with two of her charges, aged 20 months and 2 1/2. I watched the rigamarole, the snowsuits, boots, mitts, hats, diapers, bottles, snacks, the endless answering of questions, the stern voice - "Did you just hit your brother?", the cajoling voice - "Wow! You put on your own boots!" - the stroller, the naps - I was exhausted just watching for two hours. Surely I didn't ever do that. And yet, my two kids are alive and well, so I must have. It's wonderful that you are chronicling your days, so that you will remember, and your beautiful children will be able to learn about their own growing-up, and also so that those of us on the other side of that particular journey can look back with you.
Much love to you and P-L, and mazel tov,

beth said...
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