Saturday, August 04, 2007

I didn't miss you until I heard you on the phone

It's the longest time Ben's ever been away. Almost 10 days, with one little visit back home for a change of clothes and to grab his sleeping bag.

He was camping (read: playing spotlight, making sand castles, catching snails, roasting weiners and chasing waves) with Nana and Poppy Hynes in Northern Bay Sands.

When I spoke with him on the phone, he was more and more giddy each day.

"Guess what mama! I have 6 snails in my jar!" "Guess what mama, Liam let me ride his scooter and I didn't tip over once!"

I was happy for him; a little sad for me. This summer has been so wacky with crazy house projects I feel like I let it (and Ben) slip by.

On the night before he came back, Ben prattled off to me about his adventures. I wondered if he would want to come home.

"I miss you Ben"

"Mama, I didn't miss you until I heard you on the phone."

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