Thursday, September 27, 2007

A shril child's cry pierces the gray early morning air...

When I got them home from daycare yesterday, they were wild! Hitting, squealing, dumping of toys, demanding I make chocolate chip cookies -- I felt like a bullied mom.

No, they are not always like that. But sometimes they come home from daycare/pre-school so exhausted that there's no reasoning with them. And when I heard this old CBC Radio piece, I laughed out loud (LOL?). Not much has changed in 50+ years!

All I can do, is have a snack ready -- grapes, apples, raisins boxes-- and get supper on as quick as I can. Then clean that up, pull out the Playdoh or markers and construction paper; get them in the tub and in pajamas, read some stories, sing Mockingbird and them tuck them the bed. Oh yes, and in between, smother them in grand bizous...

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