Monday, February 18, 2008

Everyone poops...eventually

Number 2. Caa-caa. BMs.
Whatever you call it, I had no idea how normal it was for preschoolers to “hold it”. According to Dr. P, everything is normal.
“Second children, who train early and are in daycare, often refuse to go to do #2s. They hold it all day, and then can’t go. She’ll go when she’s ready.”

We’ve been patiently (sometimes not so patiently) helping FG with this issue since October. We’ve used every trick in the book, lots of water, bran buds in muffins, prune juice, reading on the potty for “sitting time” and even switching to Lactose-free milk. Still, she’d go once a week.
It was incredibly painful for everyone.

Finally this week, she did it (she did it, she did it! Horrary!). 4 times. 3 of them at daycare – a first!

The answer, for her at least, was I told her, “Everyone goes caa-caa!”
Then she listed off everyone she knew: Nana, Poppy, Ben, Mama, Papa, Aunt Donna, Liam, Rob – even Lucy (Nana’s cat!).

That seemed to stick, pardon the pun!

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