Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Bristol's Baby...Where's Levi?

Not since Juno, have more people had an opinion on teenage pregnancy.

This isn't about lack of sex education in the school systems. Sure, we could use more straight talk. But even 20 years ago, kids were having sex in Grade 7. And I'm even less concerned that McCain picked a running mate whose daughter isn't a virgin. Who cares?

Careless, carefree teenagers have sex all the time -- some get pregnant; some don't. But there's one thing that hasn't changed since I was in school. Where's the father?

Levi should start taking a little bit of heat and 1/2 the responsibility. Even the new math says 1 sperm + 1 egg = 1 baby.

A friend told the Dad-to-be's My Space page says "I'm a f - - -in' redneck". Sure enough. He also likes to "snowboard and ride dirt bikes but lives to play hockey, go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - - -in' chill."


Maybe Levi will just have to trade his dirt bike for a Jolly Jumper and opt to chill in the sandbox. And the potty mouth? Well that will take on new meaning when he's changing diapers.

Hopefully both of these kids will grow up quick, be responsible and become good parents.

As for a 40+ Republican Grandma in the White House, let's hope we don't have to worry about that.

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